Client: John Christensen (États-Unis)
Date: Avril 2016
Technlogie: LibreOffice Calc, LibreOffice Basic, CSV
Ce projet consistait à développer des macros permettant de lire un fichier CSV dans un classeur LibreOffice Calc. Ensuite, les macros ne conservaient que les colonnes désirées, ajustaient la taille, changeaient l'ordre et enfin formattaient la page en mode paysage avec répétition des entêtes de colonnes.
Cette fonction demande le nom du fichier CSV à ouvrir.
Private Function open_file() as String Dim file_dialog as Object Dim status as Integer Dim file_path as String Dim init_path as String Dim ucb as object Dim filterNames(3) as String filterNames(0) = "*.csv" filterNames(1) = "*.*" GlobalScope.BasicLibraries.LoadLibrary("Tools") file_dialog = CreateUnoService("") ucb = createUnoService("") AddFiltersToDialog(FilterNames(), file_dialog) 'Set your initial path here! init_path = ConvertToUrl("/usr") If ucb.Exists(init_path) Then file_dialog.SetDisplayDirectory(init_path) End If status = file_dialog.Execute() If status = 1 Then file_path = file_dialog.Files(0) open_file = file_path End If file_dialog.Dispose() End Function
La fonction OrderColumns permet de réarranger l'ordre des colonnes. Les paramètres sont l'objet documents et un tableau des entêtes de colonnes dans l'ordre désiré.
La seconde fonction (FindColumnPosition) utilisée par la fonction précédente permet de trouver la position de la colonne à repositionner.
Private Sub OrderColumns (my_doc as object, my_Headers as variant) Dim oSheet as object Dim InsertRangeName as string Dim InsertRange as object Dim InsertRange_RangeAddress as object Dim iPosition as integer Dim oSourceRangeName as string Dim oSourceRange as object Dim oSourceRangeAddress as object Dim oTargetCell as object Dim oTargetCell_CellAddress as object Dim columnLetter as string Dim NumberOfColumns as integer Dim i as integer oSheet=my_doc.sheets(0) NumberOfColumns=Ubound(my_headers)+1 For i=0 to NumberOfColumns-1 iPosition = FindColumnPosition(my_Doc, my_Headers(i),NumberOfColumns) if iPosition > -1 then 'Insert empty column columnLetter= chr(asc("A")+i) InsertRangeName = columnLetter & "1:" & columnLetter & "65536" InsertRange = oSheet.getCellrangeByName(InsertRangeName) InsertRange_RangeAddress = InsertRange.RangeAddress oSheet.insertCells(InsertRange_RangeAddress, 'Move column columnLetter= chr(asc("A")+iposition+1) oSourceRangeName=columnLetter & "1:" & columnLetter & "65536" oSourceRange = oSheet.getCellrangeByName(oSourceRangeName) oSourceRangeAddress = oSourceRange.RangeAddress oTargetCell = oSheet.getCellrangeByName(chr(asc("A")+i) & "1") oTargetCell_CellAddress = oTargetCell.CellAddress oSheet.moveRange(oTargetCell_CellAddress, oSourceRangeAddress) osheet.Columns.removeByIndex(iPosition+1,1) end if next i End sub Private Function FindColumnPosition (my_doc as object, HeaderName as string, maxColumn as integer) as integer Dim iCol as integer Dim iPosition as integer Dim my_cell as object Dim cell_value as string iPosition=-1 For iCol = 0 to maxColumn-1 my_cell = my_doc.Sheets(0).getCellByPosition(iCol,0) cell_value = my_cell.String if ucase(cell_value)=HeaderName then iPosition=iCol Exit For end if next iCol FindColumnPosition=iPosition End Function